Thursday, May 19, 2011

Thursday, January 20, 2011

A few of my favorite things....

In most of the magazine articles I read, my favorite is generally on the last page (and no not the horoscope, even though that comes a close second). The article where they ask a designer or artist what ten of their favorite things are. So, I decided to make my own "can't live without these ten items" list. Considering my avid traveling, I thought it would be appropriate to focus on anything that can assist in making travel a bit more bearable...

1. The Emilia Cashmere Travel Set: blanket and eye mask by Sofia Cashmere. Nothing screams luxury and relaxation like cashmere. $295.00
2. Herbalife Vitamin C Face Quencher. A refreshing mist to keep your skin moisturized from the dry airplane air.
3. Footzyrolls foldable flats that don't skimp on fashion and leave plenty of room in your carry-on in red snakeskin. $30.00 at
4. Burt's Bees New tinted lip balm in hibiscus. 100% natural and moisturizing with just the right amount of color. $7.99 at
5. Nature Made Melatonin. I never travel without this. I take half a tablet, which is all natural, and sleep like a baby on long transatlantic flights. $12.99 at
6. My iPod in hot pink. There's nothing better than a playlist of chillout music to keep you relaxed. $169.00 at
7. Agua de Naranja by Colonia Linen Spray. I fill a small spray bottle and spritz my cashmere blanket to get a good night's rest, and not to mention dream of faraway lands. Purchased on my travels in Mexico.
8. Lindt chocolate truffles with Peanut Butter. Just because you never know when you might need something sweet. $4.99 a bag at
9. Sanitizing Towelettes in Peppermint Surge by Giovanni Cosmetics. All organic antibacterial wipes that recharge with the scent of peppermint. Perfect for keeping germs at bay. $16.00 a bag at
10. Finally, my Ellen Tracy purple carry on bag. Holds all of your travel essentials and still complies with domestic and international flight rules. $150.00

Sunday, December 5, 2010

The Beginning

I remember my first big trip…I was five years old when my grandparents decided to take me to Greece, to introduce me to my heritage. My grandma and I were flying over New York at night- the entire city glowed below us. At five, I couldn’t grasp the concept of flying, but it was irrelevant to me. I was completely mesmerized by all of the lights below me. I had never seen anything like it before. THIS small and minute detail was the exact moment that sparked it all. I’m sure my grandparents had no idea that this one trip to the “homeland” would create the addiction I crave to this day and if they had, they would have reconsidered.
Now, eighteen years later, I have been to 4 continents and dozens of countries around the world. There have been attempts to settle; lead a domesticated life that is so often sought after but eventually the hunger always creeps up again. The yearning of the thrill of unknown places; relationships with people yet to be made; a language to conquer and not to mention food and shops to indulge and explore. I have made it my perogative to become a cultural chameleon. I can assimilate into any country or culture, mingle with people from all different backgrounds and pick and choose what to incorporate into my own life. So this is my continuous story, of human interactions that have shaped my life and carved me into the person I am today and of my travels and the beautiful finds along my unchartered path…
I am a NoMad